Friday, March 30, 2012

Week 4: Please Read This Story, Thank you.

Please Read This Story, Thank you.
By Linton Weeks

C.A- People are becoming ruder while they are speaking as polite phases are used less often in our daily conversation.

            My grandmother often says that people in now days are rude, and self- center. As a granddaughter, who want to be loved by my grandmother I try to be nice at least in front of her. However, as there are many reports in Korea about rude teenagers in public places I cannot help myself, but to believe that our generation is becoming ruder in general. Linton Weeks, the author of “Please read this story, thank you,” says that people are becoming more impolite and this can be proven by the phases that we say. I agree with Linton Weeks’ argument with news article and personal experiences.

            In Korean online- newspaper there is at least one article about a teenage, who either abused public space or a person who is much older than them. Sometimes there are even videos uploaded about the rude teenagers. The videos that are uploaded is contains so much of inappropriate languages, so much so that it is almost embarrassing to a Korean. Although sometime what they are trying to say is not that rude because of the words that they use it sounds more harsh and rude. When my parent saw the news, they said in our generation there were less ill- mannered words and because of that their generation was much more polite than of our generation. Thus, I agree with Weeks that people are becoming more impolite and it can be seen through the words that are used.

            Although in Woodstock School there is no student as bad as the Korean teenagers in the news, sometime I cannot help but to notice the lack of ‘magic words’ in Woodstock. Yes, we do say thank you and please to our friends, but how about the employees? How many times do students say thank you or please to them? Every mealtime as I put my tray I try say thank you to the employee, but many of us do not even try. I believe one part of the definition of rude is not being thankful. Thus, I agree that people are becoming ruder and this can be seen by the words that we use not only to our friend, but also the employees.

            This week Tuesday one of our class’ advisors came up and spoke to the class about how self- centered the students are in Woodstock. So on Thursday our advisor talked about the devotion and one of the respond was that students are not thankful in Woodstock. According to my advisor this can be seen through lack of times that students say thank you or please to the teachers.  Although not being thankful does not automatically mean rude, however, with the words that we do not use we are becoming rude.

            I agree with Weeks central argument as it is supported by my personal experience and the news article that I read. I believe this should not just end by writing about the issue, but we should learn from our mistakes and try to become more polite to people around us.

Week 4: Why we like what we like.

"Why We Like What We Like"
by Alva Noƫ

C.A- People tend to focus more on which situation they are in rather than to depend on their senses as shown in the example of wine taster, pate and dog food, and other blind tastes.

            Many say that human depend on the five senses are the key factors while deciding whether we like the object or not. However, according to the article “Why we like what we like” by Alava Noe, it is the situation that matter more than what people’s senses. The author provides the point through blind tests of drinks, food and even lovers. She also states that these tests were done through a professor of Yale to build the ethos. I agree with this statement, that people tend to look the situation more than what they sense, with help of two new article and my personal experience.

            This winter break I read an interesting article about a man, who died in a storage part of an ice- cream truck. What interested me was not the fact that he dead in an ice- cream truck, but the fact that he was shivering to death. Now some might think that is normal as ice-cream truck is usually cold anyhow. However, the storage that man was locked in was not on, in fact it was only 22’C, room temperate. According to the scientist, who invested the case, the man died because he thought of the situation that he was in rather than relying on his sense.

            Unlike the man, who died in the ice- cream storage which was not even turn on, there was a man survived in a situation that no one thought that he would survive. In Korea there last summer there was a landslide. Due to the landslide a man who was walking was buried under soil and a tree for a day. When the people heard about this incident they all thought that he was going to be dead, so they went will tools needed to find dead body. Surprisingly, when people found the guy, he was not dead. A reporter found about this incident and asked him how he survived, he said he thought of the situation like he was playing hide and seek. According to him that was the secret to survive from the landslide.

            Although I do not look like the type who will be picky with the food, people who knows me well knows that I do not like many food items. However, only my parents know the reason behind me not eating pork. It is not because of the smell or texture or appetence of pork; to be honest I don’t even remember the taste. The real reason that I do not pork is because of the awful experience that I had while eating pork.  The first time that my father shouted at me was while we were eating pork. As a little girl, who has never been shouted at before, it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. Thus, every time I see pork I think of the experience that I had and end up not eating pork. It is the situation that matters more than the actual taste of pork.
I agree people tend to focus on focus more on which situation they are in rather than to depend on their senses. This is because of the articles that I read before and my personal experience matches with Noe’s central argument

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 3: The Rise of ‘Awesome’

The Rise of ‘Awesome’
Robert Lane Greene (Intelligent Life)

C.A- Everything has its own evolution even English, as it can be seen with the word awesome.

Nowadays there is a fast development due to rapid growth of technology, higher education, globalization and many more factors. However, though out the human history, overall, there was a slow development, also called evolution. Although the realization of evolution may not hit us often Greene explains that it does take place with help of one simple example, the word awesome. I agree with Greene idea that everything has its own evolution with help of theory of Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei and art.
            The most famous and the most obvious one that almost everyone will think of, when it comes to evolution is Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. The book Origin of Species talks about how every organism evolved from its origin with help of natural selection. In the book he talk about theory of evolution one of the most famous and the controversial example being, human. Although some believe God made the human the why we are now, with the help of science most will agree, to some extent, that human did have our own evolution, at least with our physical structures. The physical structures of human have changes slowly overtime, adapting to the nature. This shows that even the physical structure has experienced evolution.
            Although many not agree, I believe that human’s thought has also evolved. This can be shown through Galileo Galilei. Although out Galileo’s life he argued that the earth rotated around the sun, and not verse versa, however, this theory of his was rejected by the church and left he in a brutal condition. Although the church tried to deny this fact for many year, after 350 year the Catholic Church admitted that the earth moved around the sun. Although Catholic Church’s thought has changed very slowly, it still had its own evolution as it officially accepted this theory on 1992.
            Lastly, the concept of good art changed over time. Throughout most of human history a picture that depicted the actual objects were considered a good art. However, with rise of abstract art such as, Pablo Picasso and Marten Jansen, and the development of photography, which can depict things better than pictures; the concept of ‘good’ art changed over time. Nowadays, there is not clear line of good art and bad art, as it all depends on people’s point of view. Even concept of good art had changed slowly overtime.
            Everything in the world has evolved and is still evolving, although it is so slow and small, that not many people realize it. As there are some people who believes that humans are slowly becoming hunched due to the excessive use of computer. I agree with Greene’s argument that everything evolved, even English, with help of Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei and concept of good art.


Week 3: What does it mean to be 'cool'

What Does It Mean To Be Cool?
by Thorsten Botz-Bornstein

The true meaning of cool is to have self- control because ‘cool represents a paradoxical fusion of submission and subversion.’

According to Botz- Bornstein, there is now a global culture of cool even though, there are many who do not understand the true meaning of cool. In order to explain his understanding of global culture of cool he uses stoicism and hip- hop. With the help of these examples that is used in the article he concludes that cool is control; moreover cool is a paradoxical fusion of submission and subversion.  It is controlling oneself so that one allows another to oppose one at the same time to subvert the rule. I agree with Botz- Bornstein’s argument with help of The Bible, African- American slavery, and Gandhi.
            According to Jesus a true way to win over another is to turn the other cheek. Although it is a famous saying that many people know about, not many think that this actions is cool. However, according to Botz- Bornstein’s definition of cool this action that Jesus called for is the true coolness. By letting one person to slap you again you are, on the surface, letting them to oppress you, but one the deeper  side you are undermining one’s power over you. Thus, with this example I agree with Botz- Bormstein of coolness.
            This can also be shown with African- Americans while they were in the time of slavery in America. When they were under slavery, they would not fight against the while people. For example, if the African- American was walking in the street not harming anyone and a white man come along in a gang and spit on African- American’s face. Although some might have thought it is cause of the social circumstances that they were under, it was actually the coolness that they had. Though at first it might look like white man had a lot of power, if one take a deeper look they will realize that through this action African- American took the power to mock them from the white people. This coolness that they showed eventually got them the equality that they longed for.
            This self- control action can also be shown with Gandhi. Gandhi has name such as father of India, founder of non- violence and many more. However, one key factor that made Gandhi who he was his coolness. Gandhi is famous for weaving cotton clothes, for the British made an unfair law regarding the tax on the cloth made from India. Thus, to resolve this problem Gandhi started weaving his own clothes. This action of his allowed the British rule over him, however, at the same time showed the British that the law that was imposed meant nothing to Gandhi. This is the cool action of his later lead India to be free from British rules.
I agree with to Botz- Bornstein’s definition of cool, paradoxical fusion of submission and subversion, with the help of The Bible, African- American slavery, and Gandhi. All three actions allowed the system to oppress them, but mock the system. These cool actions could only be possible with self- control that one had. This is the exact point that Botz- Bornstein said. I also think that cool wins over hot, as two historical example won over the system by being cool.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 2, Prompt 4: "Of Studies"

"Of Studies"
by Sir Francis Bacon
C.A- Studying is beneficial to humans because when studies are balanced with personal experience, it help to work on human’s imperfections.

Francis Bacon was an English lawyer, states, historian, intellectual reformer, essayist and many more during his era. As an intellectual reformer and an essayist he wrote an essay about studies, “Of studies.” His central argument all throughout the essay is that, Studying is beneficial to humans because when studies are balanced with personal experience, it help to work on human’s imperfections. I agree with this statement with the three reasons to study that he provides with it; for one’s entertainment, to outshine other with one’s knowledge and to gain one’s experience. This can be supported with Fahrenheit 451, personal experience and lecture.
Firstly, in the novel Fahrenheit 451,by Bradbury, is about a fireman trying to save the book even when he has to go against the society’s rule and his job. Guy Montag is a fireman in the book is not there to save people from fire, rather to set books on fire so that no one will have access to it. This novel is set in a Utopian society where the books are not allowed; however, one day Guy Montag gets access to a book and starts reading the book for an entrainment. Although he gets in to a big trouble, for reading is strictly prohibited by the society. Reading is the basic way of learning and it can be seen from Guy Montag that the wanted to study for his entrainment. Also, with the help of the book he got more humane qualities, one of this imperfections in the novel.
Unlike some people who study for their own will, I study am pushed by my own worries to study.  Like most of the high school student the goal of my life at this point is to get accepted to a good university. In order for me to get in to a better university I need to be better at studies than other. That is the main reason that I study. This supports the second part of Bacon’s argument; some studies to outshine other. Though I am not perfect, with more knowledge I am getting from school I think I am working on perfecting myself.
Every year I get the same lecture from my parents about my father’s friend. There are some people who studies to gain one’s experience, one of them being my father’s friend. Though he is successful, when he was young he could not afford internships abroad, thus he read book of other to gain his experience. With help of the secondhand knowledge that he gained got a job in a big company, for he sounded like a person with various experiences. This supposes Bacon’s third point; people study to gain one’s experience. Thus, with the help of the book he covered the qualities that he was lacking in.
I am sure that there are more than these three reasons, to entertainment oneself, to outshine other with one’s knowledge and to gain one’s experience, to study. I do agree with Bacon that, studying is beneficial to humans because it help to become a better person. This can be supported by a novel, personal experience and lecture.

Of Marriage and Single Life

Essay: Of Marriage and Single Life
By-Sir Francis Bacon

C.A- It is hard to say if being married is better than being single because both have their pros and cons and it depends on the women as well.

One of the biggest choices that a person makes is to get married or not. There are both positive aspects and negative of marriage. Sir Francis Bacon, an English lawyer, statesman, essayist, historian and few others, also wrote an essay on this topic, “Of Marriage and Single Life.” This says that it is really hard to say which one is better because they both have positive and negative side to it. He also states that main thing that decides the successful marriage is the women that men are married to. I agree Sir Francis Bacon’s central argument, successful marriage depend on their partner, through movie Water for elephants and A walk to remember.
In the movie, “Water for elephants” is about a student, Jacob that goes to a circus as a vet and falls in love with a married woman, Marlena. Marlena is a married woman surly was failing her first marriage, for the men that she was married might have been rich and successful, but he was aggressive, hot- tempered, self- centered and very possessive of her. These qualities of the husband lead their marriage to fail. However, unlike her first marriage that ended as a failure, her second marriage with Jacob was very successful. Though it was a same person depending on the partner her marriage varied a lot.
A walk to remember is about this marriage couple in which the wife gets a cancer. Though they go through very rough time they stay together and till the wife dies of cancer they still love each other. If a husband and a wife love each other till one’s death is what I would define as a successful marriage. In my point of view this could have been possible only, if the partner is right for each other. Thus, this supports the central argument; a successful marriage depends on each other.
Though there are many other factors that determine successful marriage, I agree with Bacon that marriage depend mainly one who the partner is. According to Bacon it is hard to determine if the single- life is better than marriage life. For me if one is successful it has to be better than the one that is not successful. Since, it is the wife and husband that determine the utility of married life; I think the main factor that decides value is the partner th

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thinking vs. Feeling: The Psychology of Advertising

C.A : The feeling is more important part of the advertising because "consumers prefer emotional ads", the more successful advertisement targeted emotions, and according to “Freudian theory everybody is driven by powerful sex urges has long been popular with advertisers.”

According to economics, advertisement is a crucial part of Research and Design, in which a firm spreads awareness of the product and increases the consumer at the same time. Though some say it is relatively inexpensive, it still does cost quite a lot of money. Thus, it is a firm’s duty to make the advertisement effective. In the article, “Thinking vs. Feeling: The Psychology of Advertising” Derek Thompson, the author of the article, evaluates the importance of logo and ethos.  He concludes that pathos, the emotions, are the more significant part of the advertisement. I agree with his conclusion on the bases of Thank you for Arguing, an English project, and according to a lecture.

            According to the book Thank you for Arguing, the main point of an argument is to make the listeners to act. This is the exact thing that the advertisers want the viewer to do, look at the advertisement and buy the product. In the book Thank you for Arguing, Heinrichs refers back to Aristotle’s opinion of the importance of logos, pathos and ethos. According to Aristotle it is the pathos that effects the audiences’ mind the most. The same point that Thompson is making in the article, thus I agree which the article.
           On first week of March 2012, a huge project for English, regarding the book Thank you for Arguing, was due. Two parts out of eleven parts of the project was regarding advertisement. As it was a group project and comments were needed I read through the entire project. While reading the parts of advertisement I found an interesting thing, I was most moved by the pathos approach than ethos or logos approaches.  I really wanted to buy and try the products pathos was used on, unlike other that I did not feel anything. Therefore, with my own personal experience I agree with Thompson.

            During winter break 2011, I was focused to go to a business conference with my parents. Though I did sleep though most of the lecture I do remember some parts, one of the being the part of advertisement. The guest speaker, a successful CEO in Korea, said that advertisement is perhaps the most important part of the R&D in a firm. He also said his firm only survived IMF with the help of the advertisement. He said the key to the effective advertisement is manipulating the emotions of the audience. I agree with the article because central arguments of the article and the lecture that I heard are alike. 
            There are many firms in the world that has to compete with each other, however, there are only few successful firms in the world. There are many difference between the failed firms and successful firms and one of the differences the effectiveness of the advertisement. According Thompson the key for a successful advertisement is using pathos, I agree with this argument with the helps a book, Thank you for Arguing, my personal experience and a conference that I went to.