Friday, November 25, 2011

100+ College Essay Topics 4

Spanish poet Antonio Machado wrote, “Between living and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess it.” Give us your guess. (U of Chicago)
Some romantics say love, but since I am not one of them I had to think hard. I thought about things that I really like such as, chocolate, chatting, listening to music, and sleeping. I thought about it for a long time and I came to a conclusion  between living and dreaming there is sleeping. Though my father say, " why sleep so much? When you are dead you will sleep for century and you will regret the times that you slept." Sorry dad, I am a teenage after all, who like to sleep more than to jog at 5am in the morning. 
While one is neither fully living as one is not really doing anything nor are you doing dreaming for one only dream about 7 min in sleep. Well, that is the excuse that I am going to give my father about this essay. I hope this works as a logo to persuade my dad. 
Nevertheless this is the real reason; I love sleeping. In weekend when there is nothing everyone sleep as much as one wants to, and I am no exception. Thanks to my dad who is against sleeping for so long, usually I get up at 8am. There is no better feeling than to wrap myself in a blanket, knowing that you have nothing to worry about anymore. After the busy day that I had studying, sleep is the factor that refreshes me for the next day. While sleeping I do not have to work, think and worry anymore, which is what I have to do while I am living. Yet, it is not dreaming, for I know when I alarm rings at 6am during weekdays to get up or get up early during weekend to write blog, just like today. 

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