Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Article 2

Published: Nov. 9, 2011; accessed: Nov. 9, 2011
             A day after Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he would resign once budget reforms are passed, Italy’s borrowing cost rose up to be 7%. Italy’s debt is currently more than 360 billion euro by 2012. Italy has never reached 7% since 1999, when euro was adopted. Debt cost of 7% is an unsustainable level. This point is the point where Portugal, Greece and Irish Republic had to ask others for help. Some economists says that Italy maybe the next victim of the debt crisis. According to BBC’s business editor, no one would want to lend country money at this rate. It is also expected that by next year its debt will be more than 8%. This is situation is very worrisome, not only for the country but also for the whole euro zone; as it already has its crisis regarding Greece. Italy’s parliament could hopefully make a budget reform by the end up this month.
             Today, in microeconomic class we learned about when a producer goes through its loss. Though the country is a much larger scale with factors, it is not say that the country does acts like a producer to some extend. A producer can go through loss, if the price of a good is lower that the average marginal cost. In math class we also learned about using logarithms to find the how banks uses different method to increase their profit. It can be by making interest very high, but this is too visible thus, banks use another methods. One method that we learned in the class was changing the k the time spend where interest is added up. Although changing k with small number made little different in a large scale, a country, this method will make a huge difference. I believed there is nothing wrong with the bank, as they are trying their best to keep the profit, but I also hope Italy gets out of this situation.
             (adj)- worrying annoying or disturbing
             Origin- (1835- 45)
                  worry-to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts;fret.
                  some- a suffix to form adjective. (dic.)
             Some students can be very worrisome to the teachers.
             (n)- the act of consulting
Origin-early 15c., from M.Fr. consultation, from L. consultationem, fromconsultare "consult," frequentative of consulere "to deliberate,consider," originally probably "to call together," as in consuleresenatum "to gather the senate" (to ask for advice), from com-"with" + *selere "take, gather (the Senate) (dic.)
I believe that some consultations in Woodstock is useless, no useful decisions are made.
Bail (n)-
property or money given as surety that a person releasedfrom custody will return at an appointed time.
origin- "bond money," late 15c., a sense that developed from that of"temporary release from jail" (mid-15c.), and that from earliermeaning "captivity, custody" (mid-13c.). From O.Fr. baillier "tocontrol, to guard, deliver" (12c.), from L. bajulare "to bear aburden," from bajulus "porter," of unknown origin.(dic.)
I have never given bail to other, as I never got in to a big trouble, and I hope to keep it that way. 

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