Tuesday, December 13, 2011

100+ College Essay Topics 6

If you had the gift of telepathy, the ability to read other people’s minds, would you use this gift or not?

             I watched the X-men First Class during AP biology movie night. While walking down to dorms from school in the dark, my friend and I talked about the power that we wanted the most. There are many supernatural powers shown in the movie so there were plenty of options to choose from.  Thus, the answers varied, some said the power to control the metals, some said to fly, and I said I wanted to read peoples mind. So, yes if I had the gift of telepathy I would use it to read peoples mind.
             Everyone wants to know more than what they already know. This is the motivation behind all those researches that makes our education courses harder. I am no exception to this and that is the reasons that I try various things such as Hindi, Indian Music and taking harder courses than needed for my diploma.
             I think learning other points of view is also very interesting, that is the reason that I want to have to power to read peoples mind. I can read people mind and compare to my point of view regarding to issue. That is another reason that I take Model United Nation, for doing that activity I learn other point views of around the world. Though some times I disagree with their point of view, I still know about their stand and the reason behind it.
             Also, if I have a chance to get something that everyone would not have, then why would I refuse it. I would use it just to show off a little bit to my friends and scare them a bit. 


  1. I had the same point of view when writing about this topic. I think it would be awesome to have such powers, but that time I was so enthusiastic about having this power that I never really looked at the negative side. Do you think you could use this power not just your advantage but to other people's advantage? I think it would have made it a much better post if you gave specific examples with details to support your ideas.

  2. It's funny how you end by saying that you'll show off and scare them. That will be a fun thing to experience. But I always consider the bad side of telepathy. Just think about it. Whatever excites you and makes you nervous is because you don't know what others are thinking or doing. So if you had telepathy, life would be plain and boring. I'm not saying that I don't want telepathy ( After all we are all humans) but this power is just not that fun.
