Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Article 7

by CNN

On 17th of December 2011, North Korea’s dictator passed away in a train. His death was due to a hearth attack, he was sixty nine when he had a heart attack. The North Korean government tried hard to keep his death as a secret, but the secret spilled out on 19th. This was due to the announcement from the Working Party, which stated the Kim Jong- un, Kim Jong Il’s son, will replace his father as the country’s leader. Though some might think that the death would bring positive effect, it actually had more negative effects. This could be seen through the reaction of the other countries went on a crisis situation such as United State, who called for closely monitoring. South Korea was no exception to this action, South Korea went on a South Korea- U.S Combined Forced Command; ensuring their alliance with United State incase of an emergence. South Korea also increased monitoring efforts along the border.

As a citizen of South Korea, I was very much effected by Kim Jong Il’s death. When the new of his death came out, it spread like a forest fire. It quickly became what Koreans call ‘hot issue key word.’ Some Korean thought a war might just break out and some companies were even shut down for the day. People were buying tons of Korean noodle just incase the war broke out and the stock market of South Korea was falling. In the mist of this situation, I thought how much impact Kim Jong Il had on the world. Though some said he has no power, for he is a ruler of one of the poorest countries in the world, when he passed away world became a mess for a while. At least South Korea did, for after all they called in most of the ambassadors back to Korea for emergence meeting and enforced the border line. I guess in world there are many hypocrites and as usual I am no exception, as I said what most people said and was scared of what most people were scared of. 

(n) a mode or system of rule or government
1770–80;  < French régime  < Latin regimen regimen (dic.)
There is no regime in Woodstock for it is a school not a country.

(n) the act or state of cohering,  uniting, or sticking together.
1670–80;  variant of cohaesion  < Latin cohaes-  (variant stem ofcohaerēre  to cohere) + -iōn- -ion (dic.)
One of the properties of water is Cohesion.

(adj) favoring complete obedience or subjection to authority  asopposed to individual freedom:
1879 (adj.), "favoring imposed order over freedom," fromauthority. Cf. authoritative, which originally had this meaning toitself. Noun in the sense of one advocating or practicing suchgovernance is from 1883. Related: Authoritarianism (1909). (dic.)
I hope the new principle of our is not authoritarian person.

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