Friday, December 2, 2011

Article 5

India Dalit boy 'killed over high-caste man's name' by BBC

Issued 02/12/11 Accessed 03/12/11

In Uttar Pradesh, one of the northern states of India, a boy was killed for his name. Kumar’s father Ram Sumer was asked to change his names’ of his two sons, as it was same as Jawahar Chaudhary’s son, a higher caste. Police believes that the death of Kumar is due to he had the same name was a man of high caste. This is because in India the caste system is not fully abolished. The boy's name was Neeraj Kumar. He was found dead in the field on 23rd of November after going to his friend’s house to watch television on 22nd.  Mr. Though Chaudhary’s house is framed by the police; he denies that he was involved in this crime. Although caste discrimination is illegal, there are still some debates going on about it. 

This is not related to anything that I was learning this week, but rather the things that I learnt all though my life. I think this is pure injustice.No man should be hurt just because of their caste, and certainly not killed. This is a concept that I do not believe in. Though religions can be important, one should not kill a14 years- old boy for his name. I am seriously disturbed by this incident. My opinion might is due to the fact that I am not a religious person, but with the TED talk video, that we watched in English class, I believed I can be counted as immoral. I hope who ever killed the boy is found and the caste system in India will abolish, not only in law but in the society as well.  


(v)-to form or make, as by fitting and uniting parts together;construct.
before 1000; 1910–15 for def. 8; 1920–25 for def. 25;  (v.) MiddleEnglish framen  to prepare (timber), Old English framian  to avail,profit; cognate with Old Norse frama  to further, Old High German ( gi )  framōn  to do; (noun) Middle English,  derivative of the v.(dic.)

It seems like in Woodstock rules are framed in such a way that by after a week rules have to be frame again. 

(n)-an act or instance of discriminating.
1640–50;  < Latin discrīminātiōn-  (stem of discrīminātiō adistinguishing. See discriminate-ion (dic.)

There is no discrimination in Woodstock regarding the caste system.

(n)- Formerly called untouchable a member of the lowest class inIndia, whom those of the four main castes were formerlyforbidden to touch
Origin (dic.)
from Hindi, from Sanskrit dalita literally: oppressed]    
There is not such thing as dalit in Woodstock.

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