Tuesday, January 17, 2012

100+ College Essay Topics 10

You’ve just written a 300-page autobiography. Send us page 217. (University of Pennsylvania)
This little incident inspired her greatly and made me changed her job eventually. I gave up a well paid job to start up Non-Governmental Organization. It was not so easy for the little girl from a small country, South Korea, to full fill her dream. Not only, it took me a long time to find my passion, as me was a worried one, but also there were many obstacles on the way. I found out that I needed experience to run NGO.  Soon after I realized my lack of experience in this field, I applied for a job in a whole different field. To make up for the time that I missed to find my passion, I had to work twice as much as I did. The more I worked the more I found out that starting up the NGO was not as easy as I thought it would be. While working in the field I found out that there were many problems that did even come to my mind. Nevertheless, I did not give up, for I was sure that was what I really wanted to do. Although I did not have a global recognition regarding my field, I was just happy with the fact that I finally found my dream. In fact, I found myself lucky; there are many people in the world who does not even know their passion, but I found out what I wanted to do. On my way to reach the goal, I met someone just like me. A man, who did not know his passion until later on, however, worked passionately about it.  


  1. Hee Seo,

    I like your post. It shows how a person can change his/her direction during life by finding the real passion.

  2. Your idea of starting an NGO is very passionate. It seems like that is what you intend to do later on. I like how you showed the struggle, found a way to overcome it, and still ended up stronger than you were before.

    There are quite a few places where you have a few errors in. For example, instead of writing "I" you write "me", instead of writing "didn't" you write "don't." I'm sure you would have found it if you looked over it once again. Don't forget to proof read.

  3. This is brilliant idea of creating a NGO, even my family own one for helping poors, as you mentioned it needs lots of experience. However experience isn't the only thing you need to run a NGO, you will need to have a proper dgree from college, support from others(aids) lastly most important thing is money. Therefore if you really want to create a NGO you shouldn't give up you future job.

  4. The build-up of your essay is really good. You start out strong, making a bold statement about how you have given up a comfortable lifestyle for something you are so passionate about. And the way you talk about coping with the difficulties that this new dream poses feels very real and true. The last part about "a man" feels a little out of place. So maybe if you add something or just remove it, the essay would be even better! Nice job!
