Monday, January 16, 2012

Article 9

China's microbloggers quadrupled in 2011, report says


According to a thinktank report the number of microbloggers in China quadrupled in 2011. Almost half of Chinese's population used- Twitter equivalents- in 2011 compare to 63 million in 2010.  These microbloggers focused on topics such as opinions on pretest, corruption scandals and other major events. The rapid growth of internet users in China made it hard for the Chinese government to control the web. One of the ways being Chinese major cites began requiring internet users to register their real names. However, these restrictions did not stop the people to stop using internet. Some say that the reason that number of internet users grow is due to the increasing of population. The government's main concern is the open point of view that communism goes against. 

I personally think this is a hopeful news for world as a whole. I believe everyone should have a right to their opinion. The rise of microbloggers in China indicates that more and more people are slowly getting their fundamental right back from the government. Furthermore, the topics that microbloggers are dealing with global problems. This indicates that China citizens are becoming more aware of major news and becoming more of a global citizen. I hope this rate grow rapidly so that others Chinese will know other side of the story rather than knowing only the side the Chinese government prefer. I also hope that government of China will loosen up their watch on internet so that more people can speak up for themselves. 

n- an important point of division or transition between two phases, conditions, etc.
origin- "line separating waters flowing into different rivers," 1803, fromwater + shedA loan-translation of Ger. Wasser-scheide. Fig.sense is attested from 1878. Meaning "ground of a river system"is from 1878. (dic.)
Scheduling woodstock viewing policy this fixes the nine o'clock watershed.

v- to post very short entries
origin- 2005–10; micro-  + blog (dic.)
There are many microblog thanks to our English teacher's homework.

n- user of the Internet
Origin- 1990–95; Net  + (cit)izen (dic.)
Most of Woodstockers are netizens, for most of us use internet. 

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