Friday, January 6, 2012

100+ College Essay Topics 8

Dog and Cat. Coffee and Tea. Great Gatsby and Catcher in the Rye. Everyone knows there are two types of people in the world. What are they? (U of Chicago)

There are many types of people in the world, too many that it is almost impossible to draw a clear line between people. Although there are some clear line such as male and female, I think that does not tell others who they really are. However, according to my father there is two types of people that shows who they really are; people who learn from their mistake and others who fails to do so.
Edison once said, Failure is the mother of success. Nevertheless, failure can only be the mother of success, if the person learns from his mistake. My father told me about it over and over again when I was young. I took this to my heart and tried not to make the same mistakes. Although I try my best not to make the same mistake, sometimes I do make the same mistake. For example, I tried not to get behind homework this vacation, for I learned how hard it is to catch up with it last vacation. For couple of weeks I was doing okay with it, but I got in to the typical vacation mode. So here I am try to post a blog everyday for this week, so that I am up to date.
So, I guess I fall in to the second category; not learning from the mistake that I made in the past. Or am I in the third category; where I did learn about my mistake, but fail to make a change? Some might say that is the same as the second category, but some might say it should be the third because at least I know the mistake and I tried to change it. This is the reason I said there can not be a clear line made between people.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a very hard question to answer.. and I think you answered it really well! I think the most generic type of response to this question would be good and bad people, but your answer was very unique, and I was surprised when I read it. I think you could develop this essay by writing about something a little bit deeper, to show what kind of a person you are, as compared to simply not doing holiday homework. That is just my opinion though :P Nice job!!
