Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Article 11

Japan population to shrink by one-third by 2060

by BBC

issued: 30 Jan, 2012
accessed: 31 Jan, 2012

According the government report the population of Japan is expected to fall by one third by the year 2060. Currently the population of Japan is 128 million; however, this is expected to fall to 87 million in 50 years. The Health and Welfare ministry also estimated that 40% of the population will be of retirement age by 2060. This is because Japan already has one of the highest life expediencies of the world and it has one of the lower birth rates of the world. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda promised to push the reform programme this year. The programme is designed so that there will be higher birth rate than there was in year 2011. If this plan works out then population will not fall as fast as expected. However, his opponents say his plan require higher taxes than are currently proposed.

This is the problem that Korea is also facing, and probably one of the biggest problems that Korea faces. I think this is a big problem, for aging society, like Japan, will not have positive effect on the economically within its country. Economically, for the population will be rising needed more money from the government, and the money that is given to the old will be taken from other with higher taxes. The main reason for the aging society is the rapid inflation, while the salary is not rising as high. If one can not afford to support oneself, then he is not likely to have a kid. If the government really wants to increase the birth rate of a developed country, then they should give more subsidizes on goods related to infant and child. 

1. compile
(v)- to put together (documents, selections, or other materials)in one book or work.
1275–1325; Middle English  < Latin compīlāre  to rob, pillage, stealfrom another writer, equivalent to com- com-  + -pīlāre,  perhapsakin to pīla  column, pier, pile1 pīlāre  to fix firmly, plant (hence,pile up, accumulate) (dic.)
One needs to compile a lot of documents in order to make a non- fiction book

2. programme
(n)- a plan of an action
1625–35;  < Late Latin programma  < Greek prógramma  publicnotice in writing. See pro-2 -gram1

There is a lot of programmes in Woodstock yet to be accomplished. 

3. grim
(adj.)- stern and admitting of no appeasement or compromise
before 900; Middle English, Old English;  cognate with Old Saxon,Old High German grimm, Old Norse grimmr
Some teachers always have a grim look on their face.

1 comment:

  1. The last time I checked (which may be a year or two ago), Japan also has the highest number of teenagers committing suicide. This probably plays a role in the shrinking population and the fact that they have more elderly people in the society.
